Awkward Pose
Awkward Pose - Utkatasana
Awkward Pose or Utkatasana, is the final part of the warm up section of postures in the Bikram Hot Yoga Series and focusses on the legs, warming them up and getting them ready for class. To get the full benefits of this posture make sure your alignment is precise.
Awkward Pose and your feet
Alignment is very important in Awkward. Your feet should be hip width, six inches (approx. fifteen centimetres) apart with the heels invisible behind your toes. This sounds easy but does depend on your anatomy. If you have bunions or other injuries that have changed the alignment of your feet then you might need to adapt your stance. You can read more about this on my blog on this very topic.
Your foot alignment is relative to your anatomy. There is no one size fits all. Align your feet with an imaginary (or you can draw one on there!) line on each foot that runs from the centre of your heel to the middle of your toes, usually between the second and third toe. Then keep those lines parallel as you open your feet. Your heels will be invisible behind your toes.
Awkward Pose and Knee Tracking
Awkward Pose - Second Part
Awkward Pose - Third Part

Neutral Spine in Hot Yoga
In awkward pose it's important to really engage your core and keep your spine in a neutral position. This posture can be a trap for those with lordosis. This forward tilt of the pelvis lets your backside push out and tends to crunch down the lumbar spine.
To overcome this work hard to re-establish neutral spine. When you are sitting down in the chair with your alignment all set then pull your core in firmly, the lower abdominals and lengthen your tailbone down to bring your pelvis into better alignment. This will allow you to sit further into the posture but requires work!
Do you have the right hot yoga towel?
The Archer towel is made for hot yoga.
The distance between the centre line and the outside of the centre circle is 15cm or 6 inches. You need to check your distance with your own anatomy to ensure you have the placement right, however once this is set in place you can use this guide to quickly and easily set your feet up correctly for this posture. To purchase The Archer Hot Yoga Towel click here.

Free Ebook on Hot Yoga
Would you like to get a free PDF copy of our ebook 'Your Alignment In Hot Yoga'? 60+ pages of hints and tips to get the most out of your hot yoga practice.
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