Bull and Bow

Clinical Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Infographic showing the demonstrated Clinical benefits of bikram yoga on mental health, binge eating, heat rate variability, balance and chronic pain

Health Benefits of Bikram Yoga

Bikram Yoga reduces chronic pain

chronic pain is reduced by regular bikram hot yoga sessions

An Australian randomised controlled trial found both Bikram Yoga or HIIT three times a week for 8 weeks offered women statistically significant reductions in persistent pain levels1.

Bikram Yoga improves mental health scores

bikram hot yoga has been proven to improve mental health scores

A secondary outcome of the same study found the Bikram Yoga group had significantly greater improvements in the Mental Health sub-scale compared to the HIIT group.(1)

Bikram Yoga decreases Binge Eating episodes

binge eating disorder symptoms are reduced in people who participate in bikram yoga

In a US randomised controlled trial of 52 women with emotional and binge eating behaviours, the group randomised to 8 weeks of Bikram Yoga had fewer self reported binge eating episodes and reported less emotional eating. (2)

Bikram Yoga increases Heart Rate Variability

heart rate variability is increased in people who do bikram hot yoga

Another secondary outcome of the Australian trial comparing Bikram Yoga with HIIT was the statistically significant increase in heart rate variability in the Bikram Yoga arm of the study. Increased HRV is an idicator of improved parasympathetic functioning and a number of positive health outcomes. (1)

Bikram Yoga improves Balance 

balance is improved when you do Bikram Yoga

Another US study found that young adults who completed three Bikram Yoga classes per week had an average change in balance time of +228% (19.5 6 14 to 34.3 6 18 seconds, p , 0.05), with no change in balance time for the control group. (3)
Flehr, A., Barton, C., Coles, J. et al. BMC Complement Altern Med (2019) 19: 234. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12906-019-2642-1, 2. Lindsey B. Hopkins, Ph.D., Johnna L. Medina, M.A., Scarlett O. et al. J Consult Clin Psychol. 2016 June ; 84(6): 558–564. doi:10.1037/ccp0000091. 3. Cady E.F. Hart and Brian L. Tracy. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. September 2008; 22 (5)

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