Bikram Hot Yoga 26&2 Posture Chart

Bikram Hot Yoga Pose Chart
A quick and quirky reference chart for each of the Bikram Yoga Postures postures. Feel free to share this chart using the link at the bottom of the page.
Bikram Hot Yoga Series
Standing Deep Breathing.
Bikram Hot Yoga Standing Postures
1. Half moon pose, Ardha Chandrasana 2. Hands to feet pose, Pada Hastasana. 3. Awkward Pose, Utkatasana. 4. Eagle Pose, Garurasana. 5. Standing head to knee pose, Dandayamana Janushirasana. 6. Standing Bow Pulling Pose, Dandayamana Dhanurasana. 7. Balancing Stick Pose, Tuladandasana. 8. Standing separate leg stretching pose, dandayamana bibhaktapada paschimotthanasana. 9. Triangle Pose, Trikonasana. 10. Standing Separate leg head to knee pose, Dandayamana Bibhaktapada Janushirasana. 11. Tree Pose, Tadasana. 12. Toe Stand, Padangustasana.
Bikram Hot Yoga Floor Postures
13 Dead body Pose, Savasana. 14. Wind Removing Pose, Pavanamuktasana. 15. Cobra Pose, Bhujangasana. 16. Locust Pose, Salabhasana. 17. Full Locust Pose, Poorna Salabasana. 18. Bow Pose, Dhanurasana. 19. Fixed Firm Pose, Supta Vajrasana. 20. Half Tortoise Pose, Ardha Kurmasana. 21. Camel Pose, Ustrasana. 22. Rabbit Pose, Sasangasana. 23. Head to Knee and Stretching pose, Janushirasana and Paschimotthanasana. 25. Spine Twisting Posture, Ardha Matsyendrasana.
Final Pranayama
26. Blowing in Firm Pose, Kapalbhati in Vajrasana.
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